
…and you thought your life was exciting!

#348 – Hyperion

with 9 comments

Really, go read the plot summary and then come back here and tell me what you’ve learned. You’ll receive special kudos/bonus points/brownies if you can sum up the book in seven words or less. All I’ve been able to do is: Ragtag group of people go on death-mission. Ha! And that’s not even close. Still, Hyperion by Dan Simmons is a fantastic read. I heartily recommend it…

So, the weekend was good. Nay, great! And you’ll see why this week…

Question of the day: Um, I don’t know! Hmm. Who would win in a fight, a slightly inebriated James Bond (portrayed by Sean Connery) with magic bullets or a rabid unicorn with self-healing powers? Please show your math.

Black birds slow and softly breaks a glass of wine
Broken bluesy whisper sing to me tonight
Well, everybody wants to go on forever
I just wanna burn up hard and bright
I just wanna be your firecracker

– “Firecracker” by Ryan Adams

Written by Paul

May 12, 2008 at 12:00 am

9 Responses

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  1. Ha, I used my own name, yes, yes it’s much easier (yes?)

    Great weekend indeed! ::looks forward to the updates this week::

    For the question of the day, I believe I’m a little biased because I DO like Sean Connery. It REALLY depends… can the self-healing powers of the unicorn be defeated by magic bullets? Perhaps this magic is be strong enough to overpower the self-healing powers? If not, I’d have to say Mr. Connery might have a hard time.

    He’s another person that could read me the phone book for hours and I’d be fairly content.

    MMM and I’m eating the dip from the party that Lisa made ::dies from goodness:: No, I’m alive, but damn that’s mighty tasty!


    May 12, 2008 at 12:09 am

  2. “please show your work” HA!


    May 12, 2008 at 9:32 am

  3. welcome to monday, 9 more days of work are left. woo hoo!


    May 12, 2008 at 10:04 am

  4. Tara: Mmmm BLT dip! Good job, Lisa! 🙂

    Kelly: Well, I have to make sure people aren’t cheating!

    Bitsy: Nine more days?! Wow, you’re almost dooooooooooone. Then you can come home and we can play Nintendo DS together on the beach house porch with wine at our side. It will be fantastic. I don’t think I want a “fruit” room anymore. What do you suggest? Maybe like all the outer space stuff, i.e. asteroids and such?


    May 12, 2008 at 10:28 am

  5. Thank you, my pleasure. It’s my way of spreading sunshine. (but what was the cheesecake — chopped liver?)

    Okay, if a unicorn had self-healing powers, wouldn’t it heal itself from rabies? So then it would just be a unicorn, impervious to bullet wounds. So it would win, right? Cause of the self-healing thing? And it’s really pretty?


    May 12, 2008 at 6:27 pm

  6. haha that cheesecake was outstanding!!! Some of the best cheesecake ever, I’m sure Paul will back me up on that. :]

    Hmm, I didn’t even think about the rabies! So it would just be a normal unicorn (with self-healing powers) and I believe it’s highly unlikely that the amount of magic in those bullets would be strong enough to over power those self-healing powers ::whew::


    May 12, 2008 at 6:38 pm

  7. Lisa: The cheesecake was phenomenal! Mmm mmm good. Also, I can’t believe I missed that loophole of the unicorn healing its own rabies. Making it near invincible. Not even magic bullets can take it out. We have our answer…


    May 12, 2008 at 8:00 pm

  8. Now…if he had a saw to cut off it’s horn…fight over..


    May 12, 2008 at 11:17 pm

  9. I actually really like movies that I can come out of know less than I did going in. It gives me something to puzzle over for the next three months before I give in and rent it so that I can be absolutely sure that I had no idea what the heck was going on.


    May 12, 2008 at 11:30 pm

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