
…and you thought your life was exciting!

Archive for October 6th, 2008

Tighty Whities With the Mail

with 2 comments

Also, and Momma Dukes and D can attest to this, while the male undergarments are gone, a single child-size shoe now sits on the mailbox two over from mine. I dunno. Maybe if we all cross our fingers and hope with big hearts an entire wardrobe will eventually be available for anyone checking their mail. I prefer sweaters and green things. Please, no Ugg boots or turtlenecks (feel free to make your own joke about dickies; am I the only one who really calls them that?).

And I swear if I could take your pain
And frame it and hang it on my wall
Maybe you would never have to hurt at all
Painting pictures in red and blue

– “Masterpiece” by Bayside

Written by Paul

October 6, 2008 at 9:20 pm