
…and you thought your life was exciting!

Archive for March 28th, 2008

#317 – Night at Trinity

with 9 comments

Welcome to Friday. Despite having Monday off, I felt like this week went by entirely too slow. Why does that always happen? If you have scientific proof as to how this phenomenon occurs, please let me know.

The Trinity pub
is, surprisingly, the type of bar I like. Anyone who knows me understands that I dislike 99.6% of all bars, bar-goers, and bar antics. But here’s where the Irish hole-in-the-wall lifts the veil: they have couches. And it’s a very laid-back place, with music and Guinness (yay, I spelled it wrong in the comic!). So that works for me. Though I suspect my bar quota for the year has now been met.

Weekend plans? If you got ’em, I want to hear ’em.

Written by Paul

March 28, 2008 at 8:42 am

Posted in bars, booze, D, entertainment, music, women