
…and you thought your life was exciting!

Archive for May 8th, 2007

#101 – Text Cancun

with 4 comments

Journal - 101 - TextCancun

I feel like I’m living in the Stone Age. I’ve had the same cell phone since 2001, and if you think back to such a time you’ll see that these devices had only just started sprouting up in the world. Truthfully, I used phone cards at payphones to make my calls. Talk about old school! Anyways, since my phone was made in 2001 before texting hit it big, my phone is unable to text. For some strange reason I can receive texts, but there is absolutely no way to respond to them. So…maybe a new phone for my birfday might be nice? Eh? ::hint hint wink wink::

Written by Paul

May 8, 2007 at 2:27 pm

Posted in bars, cell phone