
…and you thought your life was exciting!

Archive for April 27th, 2007

#94 – Mr. A

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So, as you know from previous comics, kids like to stare. At me. And what better opportunity for them to do what they do best (beside tell the most random of random stories; e.g., “My uncle has a pet shark named Fifi and we play with the shark but sometimes the shark gets angry and flies away on a purple cloud and then the shark is gone but we miss the shark and my uncle is going to buy a new shark and I’m going to call it Pikachu cause wehavetocollectthemall.”) than here. But really, they weren’t that bad. They just stared a little too long, just enough to make someone feel uncomfortable. Must have been my beard hypnotizing them. I was going to draw on the chalkboard for ’em but we rans outs of times. Their loss.

Written by Paul

April 27, 2007 at 6:36 pm

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